
What is it?

We call it the app store for open source. It’s a platform where you can get a lot of tools that can be helpful with your daily duties. They are all open source and they will be installed on a dedicated server.

It’s a project that I’m developing with Justin Mayer. We both love Python and that’s why is made using Django. For the frontend we are using HTMX and Alpine.js.

For this project, I am in charge of writing code, communication strategy, and project management.

My role

Full-stack web developer, content creator, strategy, marketing.


Django, Tailwindcss, HTMX, Alpine.js, Ansible.


  • Start March 2022
  • End January 2023

Are you looking for someone to help you with your web application?

You're in the right place 🎉

I'm always looking for new collaborations as a freelance.

If you’d like to get in touch